
we all want one now...

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Producing a Wiki

Cooperatively, we chose a topic for our Wiki and based this on our healthy eating Digital Movie. We all decided on an area to write about relating to health:hygiene, exercise and so on.

Although our group worked effectively on this, I do think that we worked more individualistically on this. This might have been because we were all infront of our own computer screens whereas, when making the video we had to interact with each other more.

We did not decide on a common font or size of text and had to go and change this to make all of our pages look similar. This is something we could have decided at the start.

I spent more time on the Wiki and some of the group spent more time on the Digital Movie. This is what happens in a group as you share the work and play to your strengths. Our group shared the understanding that we were all contributing to the group in different ways and this helped our group to work well.

I found the Wiki frustrating at times as moving pictures and changing text size is not straight forward. However, it promotes cooperative learning and is something that children would enjoy presenting to a class.

The other point which our group had to think about was allowing other members into our group after we had produced the Wiki. Our peers had problems with their Wiki and we allowed them to join our group. They finished of the Wiki with music. I was happy to let this happen as I felt sorry for them but I know that everyone did not contribute equally in the group.

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