
we all want one now...

Monday 1 February 2010

How good is the I-Pad?

The Apple launch that took place last week introduced a spectacular new device called the I-Pad.

In this video, Steve Jobs looks at how pictures can be displayed in a slide show when clicking on the country where they were taken. I travelled Europe in the summer and think it would be brilliant to be able to quickly look at a set of photos from a particular country at any time.
I think this would be an extremely motivating device used in class as it is symbolic and iconic.

I think the I-PAd could help to make the classroom more interactive. Working in groups, with the internet literally in their hands, would allow children to voice their opinions and contribute to their lessons through asking questions whilst the teacher is talking.

The I-Pad would help visual learners, auditory learners and kinesthetic learners. We know that children have different types of intelligence (Howard Gardner) and I believe that this innovative device can help all learning styles and cater for individual needs!

As Jobs said the I-pad is "so much more intimate than a laptop and so much more capable than a smart phone".

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